Motion Designer
& Illustrator

Motion Designer
& Illustrator

[Logo Reveal, Style Frames]

Collaborator: Andy Lu
This identity sequence of Science Channel (Sci), explores their mantra, ‘Question Everything’. In the world of science, things we never thought possible are now possible.

During ancient times, God was believed as the only one who can manipulate living organisms. This sequence is meant to make people question what will happen in the future when we, humans, are creating and manipulating new creatures as if we are God. We used religious references and symbolism to convey this idea.

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[Logo Reveal, Style Frames]

Collaborator: Andy Lu
This identity sequence of Science Channel (Sci), explores their mantra, ‘Question Everything’. In the world of science, things we never thought possible are now possible.

During ancient times, God was believed as the only one who can manipulate living organisms. This sequence is meant to make people question what will happen in the future when we, humans, are creating and manipulating new creatures as if we are God. We used religious references and symbolism to convey this idea.

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